Sport Management UCLouvain
The UCLouvain Sport Management research group is linked to the Louvain Research Institute in Management and Organizations (LouRIM) and its members are involved in the Faculty of Sport Sciences (FSM) of UCLouvain.
Through its research, the group is imbued with the values of Olympism. Together with UGent, Sport Management UCLouvain is co-holder of the Henri de Baillet Latour and Jacques Rogge Olympic Chair. It is also recognized as a university center for Olympic studies and research by the Olympic Study Center of the International Olympic Committee and is a member of the Olympic Studies and Research Centres (OSRCs) academic network.
Our identity
• Develop cutting-edge knowledge in sport management via quality scientific research.
• Mobilise and develop a network of national and international partners in sport.
• Share knowledge in sport management to current and future actors in the world of sport.
• Support actors in the world of sport in the planning, organisation, leadership, and evaluation.
Enable all actors in the world of sport to have robust knowledge to guide their actions.
Excellence – Integrity – Sharing – Professionalism
Our team
Géraldine Zeimers
Social changes
Corporate social responsibility
Arthur Lefebvre
Postdoc Researcher
Governance and strategy
Pierre Léonard
PhD student
Environmental sustainability
Émilie Malcourant
Visiting Professor
Change management
Thierry Zintz
Professor Emeritus
Sport diplomacy
Laure Van Den Abeele
Adeps Project
Sports policy Public funding of sport